Users Guide

Field Description
Notes You may enter additional notes or comments about the provider. This description is only seen by
Email If selected, allows the provider to request access to the guest's email address. Access requires
additional permission for the provider.
Google Plus if selected, allows the provider to request access to the guest's Google Plus profile. Access
requires additional permission for the provider.
Google Apps
Name of the user record attribute to apply to the social_vip flag. For more information, refer
to the Google Directory API for retrieving users.
Allow Guests If selected, allows Google accounts that are not part of your domain to log in as guests. The
social_vip flag will be set to false for these users.
Admin SDK
Refresh Token
(Required) Enter a valid Google API admin refresh token. To generate a new refresh token, clear
this value. You will need to generate a new authorization code.
Generate Code To generate a new authorization code, click the link in this field. You will be redirected to a new
window to generate an authorization code.
(Required) When you generate a new code, it is automatically entered in this field, and you can
close the redirect window.
LinkedIn VIP
Enter a LinkedIn Distance value (0 - 3). If the guest is within this distance, the social_vip flag
will be enabled for them.
Add When your entries are complete on the Properties, form, click this button. The Properties form
closes and the provider is included in the Authentication Providers list.
Options in the Network Login Access area control access to the login page:
Field Description
The IP addresses and networks from which logins will be allowed.
The IP addresses and networks from which logins will be denied.
(Required) The response shown to the user if their login request is denied. Options in this drop-
down list include:
l Send HTTP 404 Not Found status
l Show Access Denied page
l Show a blank page
Table 44: Web Login Editor, Network Login Access Properties
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.4 | User Guide Configuration | 269