Users Guide

276 | Configuration Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.4 | User Guide
Field Description
Format Specify whether you will upload the certificate as a file or paste in the certificate text.
The form expands to include the Step 2 options.
Certificate For certificates pasted as text, copy and paste the digital certificate's text. This is a
block of encoded text and should include the "BEGIN CERTIFICATE" and "END
For uploaded certificate files, browse to the certificate to upload. This should be one of
the following:
PEM encoded X.509 file containing the certificate (*.pem)
PKCS#12 encoded file containing both the certificate and the private key (*.p12)
Private Key For private keys pasted as text, copy and paste the private key's text. This is a block of
encoded text and should include the "BEGIN PRIVATE KEY" and "END PRIVATE KEY"
For uploaded private key files, if the certificate file does not include the private key,
browse to the private key to upload. The private key should be either a PEM-encoded
or a Personal Information Exchange (.p12) file.
Confirm Passphrase
The passphrase that was used to encrypt the file containing the private key. If the
private key is not encrypted, leave this field blank.
Upload Certificate The certificate is uplpaded and the details are displayed on the Pass Certificate page.
See Viewing the Digital Pass Certificate.
Managing Digital Passes
Pass properties are defined in pass templates. These properties include name and a description, style (type of
pass), colors, summary, icon, logo, fields, relevant locations, relevant date, and associated apps.
To view or work with your list of digital pass templates, go to Configuration > Digital Passes > Pass
Templates. The Pass Templates list view opens.