Users Guide

Advertising Campaigns
An advertising campaign is the strategy by which you organize the presentation of your ads. It defines which
promotions and materials to deliver, and when they should be delivered.
The system requires at least one advertising campaign to be configured and enabled for any advertisements to be
To create and work with advertising campaigns, go to Configuration > Advertising > Campaigns. The
Advertising Campaigns list view opens.
All advertising campaigns that have been created are included in this list. You can click a campaign's row in the
list for additional options.
Field Description
Edit Edit any of the campaign's properties. See "Creating and Editing Advertising Campaigns" on
page 329.
Delete Delete the campaign from the system. You will be asked to confirm the deletion.
Enable the advertising campaign so it will provide advertisements.
Before advertising will be delivered from an enabled campaign on a specific page, the page's
settings also need to allow advertising from the campaign.
Disable Disable the campaign. To make the campaign active again, click the Enable link.
Copy Make a copy of the campaign's settings to use as a basis for a new campaign.
Create new
Create a new advertising campaign.
Table 77: Advertising Campaigns List
Creating and Editing Advertising Campaigns
An advertising campaign is the strategy by which you organize the presentation of your ads. It defines which
promotions and materials to deliver, and at which stages they should be delivered. You can rank and weight a
campaign to balance it against other campaigns. A campaign can also be configured for presentation between a
specified start date and end date.
Campaigns can be delivered at the following stages:
l On the login page
l On the registration page
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.4 | User Guide Advertising Services | 329