Users Guide

338 | Advertising Services Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.4 | User Guide
Field Description
Edit Edit any of the material's properties. See "Creating and Editing Advertising
Materials" on page 338.
Delete Delete the material from the system. You will be asked to confirm the
Disable Disable the material. To make the material active again, click the Enable link.
Copy Make a copy of the material's settings to use as a basis for a new material.
Create new advertising
Create a new advertising material.
Table 84: Advertising Materials List
Creating and Editing Advertising Materials
An advertising material is the individual advertisement you deliver the ad the user sees. You can deliver ads
through Web browsers, email, and SMS. The medium of an advertising material can be a text, image, Flash, raw
HTML, YouTube, or SMS text advertisement. Materials can also be assigned any number of labels, which can be
used by promotions to create labeled promotions and to provide intelligent delivery.
To edit settings for an advertising material, go to Configuration > Advertising > Materials, then click the
Edit link for a material. The Edit Promotional Material form opens.
In the General Properties area of the form, set the basic properties for the material:
Field Description
Name (Required) Name for this material.
Enabled If selected, allows this material to be delivered.
Start Date Date and time on which this campaign will begin. To start delivering this material immediately, leave
this field blank.
End Date Date and time after which the material will no longer be delivered. To deliver this material
indefinitely, leave this field blank.
Table 85: General Properties, Edit Promotional Material