Users Guide

348 | Hotspot Manager Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.4 | User Guide
l Signature
l Test Environment URL
l Test WSDL
l Transaction Key
l Transaction Password
l Transactions Timeout
If your transaction processor requires visitors to enter their address,W-ClearPass Guest will automatically
include address fields in the guest self-registration forms that use that transaction processor.
Managing Existing Transaction Processors
After you define a transaction processor, it is included in the transaction processor list. When you select an
individual processor in the list, the following options are available:
l Edit – changes the properties of the specified transaction processor
l Delete – removes the processor from the Transaction Processors list
l Duplicate – creates a copy of a transaction processor
l Show Usage – opens a window in the Transaction Processors list that shows if the profile is in use, and
lists any hotspots associated with that transaction processor. Each entry in this window appears as a link to
the General Hotspot References form that lets you change the transaction processor associated with
that hotspot.
Managing Customer Information
You can customize the fields that the customer sees, the details of these fields, and the order in which they are
presented. To customize the fields, go to Configuration > Hotspot Manager > Start Here and click the
Manage Hotspot Customer Information link.
The Customize Form Fields view opens for the customer information form. See "Duplicating Forms and Views"
on page 213 for instructions for completing the form field editor.
Managing Hotspot Invoices
After the customer’s transaction has been processed successfully, the customer receives an invoice containing
confirmation of their transaction and the details of their newly created hotspot user account. You can
customize the title shown on the invoice and how the invoice number is created. You can also customize the
currency displayed on the invoice.