Users Guide

Field Description
API Logging (Required) Specifies the logging level for API-related events. Options include:
l Disabled - do not log API-related events
l Standard (Recommended) - log basic information
l Extended - log additional information (this option logs all API calls)
l Debug - log debug information
l Trace - log all debug information
Commits your changes.
Setting API Privileges in Operator Profiles
To use W-ClearPass Guest's API services, the API privileges must be set up in the user's operator profile. Existing
operator profiles that have the Administrator privilege set to Full Access must be updated to specifically include
the appropriate privilege in order for XML-RPC clients to work.
To set up API privileges:
1. Go to Administration >Operator Logins >Profiles, and either click the Edit link for an existing profile in
the list or click the Create a new operator profile link to create a new profile. The Operator Profile
Editor form opens.
2. In the Privileges field, select Custom in the API Services drop-down list. The field expands to show the
API privileges. Privileges included here are:
l Allow APIAccess
l Configure SOAP Web Services
l List SOAP Web Services
l Manage API Clients
3. For the Allow API Access privilege, select the Allow Access radio button.
4. For each of the remaining privileges in the list, select the appropriate access level. Access levels include:
l No Access
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.4 | User Guide Administration | 379