Users Guide

1. The first-party app submits an access token request to the authorization server. This includes grant_
type=client_credentials, client_id, and client_secret.
2. The resource server returns the access token to use in subsequent API calls. This includes access_token,
expiry time, and token_type=bearer.
3. The app includes the access token in the HTTP Authorization header. This includes Bearer access_token.
4. The resource server returns authenticated API payload.
Application Service Accounts for OAuth
Google APIs such as the Prediction API and Google Cloud Storage can act on behalf of your application without
accessing user information. In these situations your application needs to prove its own identity to the API, but
no user consent is necessary. Similarly, in enterprise scenarios, your application can request delegated access to
some resources.
For these types of server-to-server interactions you need a service account, which is an account that belongs to
your application instead of to an individual end-user. Your application calls Google APIs on behalf of the service
account, and user consent is not required. (In non-service-account scenarios, your application calls Google APIs
on behalf of end-users, and user consent is sometimes required.)
SOAP Web Services and API
SOAPWeb services provide a way of transferring data across the Internet to integrate Web-based applications.
Web services let businesses share data and processes programmatically, and can be added to a user interface
to provide functionality.
To access this feature in Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest, you must have the SOAP Web Services plugin
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