Users Guide

l "Method amigopod.mac.create" on page 426
l "Method amigopod.mac.edit" on page 428
l "Method amigopod.mac.list" on page 430
Method amigopod.guest.change.expiration
Change the expiration time of a guest account.
Name Type Description
uid Scalar ID of the guest account to update
guestaccountexpiry Scalar Amount of time in hours before the guest account will expire
Return Values
Name Type Description
error Flag 0 if successful, 1 if an error occurred
message String Status message describing the operation
item Struct Updated user information record
*_error String Field-specific error message
*_error_flag Flag Field-specific error flag, set to 1 if present
Access Control
Requires the change_expiration privilege (Guest Manager > Change Expiration in the Operator Profile
Example Usage
Sample parameters for the call:
'uid' => 162,
'guestaccountexpiry' => 24,
Result returned by a successful operation:
'error' => 0,
'message' => 'Changed expiration time of guest account
Account will expire at 2014-11-28 23:27:00',
'item' => array (
'id' => 162,
'do_expire' => 4,
'expire_time' => 1196256420,
'username' => '',
Result returned by a failed operation:
'uid' => 162,
'username' => '',
'expiration_time' => '',
'user_enabled' => '',
'guestaccountexpiry_error' => 'Please choose from one of these options.',
'guestaccountexpiry_error_flag' => 1,
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.4 | User Guide Administration | 415