Users Guide

Method amigopod.guest.edit
Change one of more properties of a guest account.
Name Type Description
uid Integer ID of the guest account to edit
username String Name of the guest account
password String May be:
random_password to indicate the
guest account's password should be
set to a random password
password_value to indicate the
guest account's password should be
set to the value in the password_
value field
The empty string to leave the
password unmodified
password_value String Optional password to set the guest
account's password (if the password
field is password_value)
role_id Integer RADIUSrole IDto assign to the guest
enabled Flag Boolean value indicating whether the
guest account is enabled
simultaneous_use Integer Number of simultaneous sessions
allowed by the guest account
do_schedule Flag Flag indicating if the guest account
should be enabled at schedule_time
schedule_time String Date and time at which the guest
account will be enabled
do_expire Integer Action to take when the expire_time
is reached
expire_time String Time at which the guest account will
expire_postlogin Integer Time period for which the guest
account will be valid after the first
login, or 0 for indefinitely
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.4 | User Guide Administration | 419