Users Guide

other properties.
This requires a vendor passing a mac parameter in the redirect URL. W-ClearPass Guest does not support
querying the controller or DHCP servers for the client's MAC based on IP.
To edit the registration form fields, go to Configuration > Forms and Views. In the guest_register row,
click the Edit Fields link. The Customize Form Fields page opens. If you do not see mac or mac_auth_pair in the
list, click the Customize fields link above the list. Click the Edit link in the field’s row. In the Define Custom
Field form, edit the registration form fields:
l Add or enable mac
n UI: Hidden field
n Field Required: optional
n Validator: IsValidMacAddress
l Add or enable mac_auth_pair
n UI: Hidden field
n Initial Value: -1
l Any other expiration options, role choice, surveys and so on can be entered as usual.
You will see an entry under both List Accounts and List Devices. Each should have a View Pair action that
cross-links the two.
If you delete the base account, all of its pairings will also be deleted. If RFC-3576 has been configured, all pairs will be
logged out.
Creating Multiple Guest Accounts
The Create Multiple Guest Accounts form is used to create a group of visitor accounts.
To create multiple accounts, go to Guest > Create Multiple, or click the Create Multiple Guest Accounts
command link on the Guest Manager >Start Here page. The Create Multiple Guest Accounts form opens.
The Create Multiple Guest Accounts form (create_multi) can be customized by adding new fields, or modifying or
removing the existing fields. See "Customizing Guest Self-Registration" on page 235 for details about the
customization process. The default settings for this form are described below.
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.4 | User Guide W-ClearPass Guest Manager | 45