Users Guide

492 | Reference Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.4 | User Guide
{nwa_assign …}
Smarty registered template function. Assigns a page variable based on the output of a generator function.
Simple usage example:
{nwa_assign var=my_variable value=my_value}
l The var” parameter specifies the page variable that will receive the output.
l The value” parameter specifies the value to assign to var.
The various request variables may also be accessed using one of two supported methods:
l {nwa_assign var=_GET.get_variable value=...}
l {nwa_assign var=smarty.get.get_variable value=...}
The variables that can be accessed this way are _GET (smarty.get), _POST (, _REQUEST
(smarty.request), _SESSION (smarty.session), _COOKIE (smarty.cookies), and _ENV (smarty.env).
Assigning to values in _SESSION will persist the value for the next page load in the session.
Alternative usage example:
{nwa_assign var=userskin_plugin generator=NwaGetPluginDetails arg=$u.userskin}
l The generator” parameter specifies the generator function to be called.
l A single arg” parameter, if specified, provides a 1-argument form of calling the function; alternatively,
“arg1”, arg2”, ... may be specified to form an array of arguments to pass to the generator.
{nwa_bling …}
Smarty registered template function. Adds various kinds of visual effects to the page.
Usage example:
{nwa_bling id=$some_id type=fade}
The id” parameter is the ID of the HTML element to which you will add ‘bling’ effects The type” parameter is
the kind of bling desired:
l “fade: element smoothly fades in and out
l “blink”: element blinks slowly
{nwa_makeid …}
Smarty registered template function. Creates a unique identifier and assigns it to a named page variable.
Identifiers are unique for a given page instantiation.
Usage example:
{nwa_makeid var=some_id}
The var” parameter specifies the page variable that will be assigned.
Alternative usage:
{nwa_makeid var=some_id file=filename}
The file” parameter specifies a file which contains a unique ID. This allows issued IDs to be unique across
different page loads. To return the value rather than assign it to a variable, use the syntax:
{nwa_makeid [file=filename] output=1}
Otherwise, this template function does not generate any output.