Users Guide

502 | Reference Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.4 | User Guide
Function Description
dos_compatible If true, convert \r\n line endings to \n (default true)
encoding If set, specifies the input character set to convert from (default not set)
out_charset If set, specifies the desired character set to convert to using the iconv() function .
(default is "UTF-8//TRANSLIT")
max_records maximum number of records to return
max_fields maximum number of fields per record
skip_records number of records to skip at start of input
skip_fields number of fields to skip at start of each record
sort post-processing option; order string for NwaCreateUsortFunc to sort the records by
the specified column(s)
slice_offset post-processing option: starting offset of slice to return; see array_slice() function
slice_length post-processing option: length of slice to return; see array_slice() function
See "NwaParseCsv" on page 501 and "NwaVLookup" on page 503.
Parses a string as an XML document and returns the corresponding document structure as an associative
array. Returns an array containing the following elements:
l error – set if there was a problem parsing the XML
l message – describes the parse error
Otherwise, the return is an array with these elements:
l name – name of the document element
l attributes – attributes of the document element
l children – array containing any child elements
l content element content text
NwaPasswordByComplexity($len, $mode = false)
Generates a random password of at least $len characters in length, based on one of the standard complexity
requirements specified in $mode. If $mode is false or the empty string, the default password complexity is
taken from the Guest Manager plugin configuration.
Otherwise, $mode should be one of the following values:
l none – No password complexity requirement
l case At least one uppercase and one lowercase letter
l number – At least one digit
l punctuation – At least one symbol