Users Guide

Field Description
string specified by the random_username_picture field.
l nwa_digits_password to create a username using random digits. The
length of the username is specified by the random_username_length field.
l nwa_letters_password to create a username using random lowercase
letters. The length of the username is specified by the random_username_
length field.
l nwa_lettersdigits_password to create a username using random
lowercase letters and digits. The length of the username is specified by the
random_username_length field.
l nwa_alnum_password to create a username using a combination of
random digits, uppercase letters and lowercase letters. The length of the
username is specified by the random_username_length field.
l nwa_strong_password to create a username using a combination of digits,
uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and some punctuation. Certain
characters are omitted from the generated username to ensure its
readability (for example, “o”, “O” and “0”). The length of the username is
specified by the random_username_length field.
l nwa_words_password to create a username using a combination of two
randomly-selected words and a number between 1 and 99. The maximum
length of each of the randomly-selected words is specified by the random_
username_length field.
String. The format string to use when creating a username, if the random_
username_method field is set to nwa_picture_password. See "Format Picture
String Symbols" on page 515 for a list of the special characters that may be
used in the format string.
remote_addr String. The IP address of the guest at the time the guest account was
registered.This field may be up to 20 characters in length. The value of this field
is not currently used by the system.
role_id Integer. Role to assign to the account.The value of this field must be the integer
ID of a valid RADIUS user role.
role_name String. Name of the role assigned to the account.
schedule_after Integer. Time period, in hours, after which the account will be enabled. This field
is used when the modify_schedule_time field is set to schedule_after. The
value is specified in hours and is relative to the current time. This field controls
account creation behavior; it is not stored with created visitor accounts.
schedule_time Integer. Time at which the account will be enabled. The time should be specified
as a UNIX timestamp.
secret_answer String. The guest’s answer to the secret question that is stored in the secret_
question field. To use this field, first add both the secret_question and secret_
answer fields to a guest self-registration form. Then, in the self-service portal
for a guest self-registration page, select the “Secret Question” as the Required
Field. This configuration requires that guests provide the correct answer in
order to reset their account password. Answers must match with regards to
case in order to be considered as correct.
secret_question String. The guest’s secret question used to confirm the identity of a guest during
a reset password operation.
simultaneous_use Integer. Maximum number of simultaneous sessions allowed for the account.
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.4 | User Guide Reference | 511