Users Guide

52 | W-ClearPass Guest Manager Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.4 | User Guide
<GuestUserTags tagValue="ff" tagName="Company Name"/>
<GuestUserTags tagValue="2012-12-04 12:39:14" tagName="Create Time"/>
<GuestUserTags tagValue="fff@df" tagName="Email"/>
<GuestUserTags tagValue="ff" tagName="first_name"/>
<GuestUserTags tagValue="plan0" tagName="hotspot_plan_id"/>
<GuestUserTags tagValue="Free Access" tagName="hotspot_plan_name"/>
<GuestUserTags tagValue="ff" tagName="last_name"/>
<GuestUserTags tagValue="ff ff" tagName="Visitor Name"/>
<GuestUserTags tagValue="ff" tagName="zip"/>
Importing Guest Accounts
Guest accounts may be created from an existing list by uploading the list to W-ClearPass Guest.
To import a file with the current list of guest accounts, go to Guest >Import Accounts, or go to Guest
>Start Here and click the Import Guest Accounts command link. The Import Accounts page opens with the
first part of the form displayed, Upload User List.
The Upload User List form provides you with different options for importing guest account data.
To complete the form, you must either specify a file containing account information, or type or paste in the
account information to the Accounts Text area.
Select the Show additional import options check box to display the following advanced import options:
l Character Set: W-ClearPass Guest uses the UTF-8 character set encoding internally to store visitor account
information. If your accounts file is not encoded in UTF-8, the import may fail or produce unexpected
results if non-ASCII characters are used. To avoid this, you should specify what character set encoding you
are using.
l Import format: The format of the accounts file is automatically detected. You may specify a different
encoding type if automatic detection is not suitable for your data. The Import Format drop-down list
includes the following options:
n Automatically detect format (This default option recognizes guest accounts exported from W-
ClearPass Policy Manager in XML format)
n Comma separated values