Users Guide

l IsValidTimestamp – Checks that the value is a numeric UNIX timestamp (which measures the time in
seconds since January 1, 1970 at midnight UTC).
l IsValidTimeZone – Checks that the value is a valid string describing a recognized time zone.
l IsValidUrl – Checks that the value appears to be a valid URL that includes a scheme, hostname and path.
For example, in the URL, the scheme is http, the hostname is and the path is /. The validator argument may optionally be an array containing a
‘scheme key that specifies an array of acceptable URL protocols.
l IsValidUsername – Checks that the value is a valid username. Usernames cannot be blank or contain
l NwaCaptchaIsValid – Checks that the value matches the security code generated in the CAPTCHA image.
This validator should only be used with the standard captcha field.
l NwaGuestManagerIsValidRoleId – Checks that the value is a valid role ID for the current operator and
user database.
l NwaIsValidExpireAfter – Checks that the value is one of the account expiration time options specified in
the Guest Manager configuration.
l NwaIsValidLifetime – Checks that the value is one of the account lifetime options specified in the Guest
Manager configuration.
Form Field Conversion Functions
The Conversion and Value Format functions that are available are listed below:
l NwaConvertOptionalDateTime – Converts a string representation of a time to the UNIX time
representation (integer value). The conversion leaves blank values unmodified.
l NwaConvertOptionalInt – Converts a string representation of an integer to the equivalent integer value.
The conversion leaves blank values unmodified.
l NwaConvertStringToOptions – Converts a multi-line string representation of the form
key1 | value1
key2 | value2
to the array representation
array (
'key1' => 'value1',
'key2' => 'value2',
l NwaImplodeComma – Converts an array to a string by joining all of the array values with a comma.
l NwaTrim – Removes leading and trailing whitespace from a string value.
l NwaTrimAll – Removes all whitespace from a string (including embedded spaces, newlines, carriage
returns, tabs, etc).
l NwaStrToUpper – Formats the text string to all uppercase letters.
l NwaStrToLower – Formats the text string to all lowercase letters.
l NwaNormalizePhoneNumber – Removes all spaces, dashes, parenthesis and non-numerical characters
from the phone number.
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.4 | User Guide Reference | 521