Users Guide

Function Description
NwaDurationFormat Converts a time measurement into a description of the corresponding duration.
l Format parameters: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks.
l Any format can be converted to another.
l By default, this function converts an elapsed time value specified in seconds to a
value that is displayed in weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds.
Up to four additional arguments may be supplied to control the conversion:
l in_format – The current units of the value being converted (seconds, minutes,
hours, days, weeks)
l max_format – Controls the max increment you want displayed.
l min_format – Controls the min increment you want displayed. Only whole
numbers are printed.
l default – If set, this value will be returned when the resulting duration (after min_
format is taken into account) is 0.
NwaExplodeComma Converts a string to an array by splitting the string at each comma and forming an
array of all the substrings created in this way.
NwaNumberFormat Formats a numeric value as a string. If the argument is null or not supplied, the
current locale’s settings are used to format the numeric value. The argument may be
an array or a numerica value. If the argument is an array, it will override the current
locale’s settings (see below for the list of settings that are used). If the argument is a
numeric value, it is used as the number of fractional digits to use when formatting the
string (other locale settings will remain unchanged in this case).
The specific locale settings used are from localeconv(), and are listed below.
For general numeric formatting :
l frac_digits – number of decimal places to display
l decimal_point – character to use for decimal point
l thousands_sep – character to use for thousands separator
For signs for positive/negative values:
l positive_sign – sign for positive values
l p_sign_posn – position of sign for positive values (0..4)
l negative_sign – sign for negative values
l n_sign_posn – position of sign for negative values (0..4)
For formatting for monetary amounts:
l mon_decimal_point – decimal point character for monetary values
l mon_thousands_sep – thousands separator for monetary values
l p_sep_by_space – true if a space separates currency symbol from a positive value
l p_cs_precedes – true if currency symbol precedes positive value
l n_sep_by_space – true if a space separates currency symbol from a negative
l n_cs_precedes – true if currency symbol precedes negative value
Additionally, the special value monetary, if true, indicates that a currency value
should be formatted, rather than a regular numeric value.
View Display Expression Technical Reference
A page that contains a view is displayed in an operator’s Web browser. The view contains data that is loaded
from the server dynamically. Because of this, both data formatting and display operations for the view are
implemented with JavaScript in the Web browser.
For each item displayed in the view, a JavaScript object is constructed. Each field of the item is defined as a
property of this object. When evaluating the JavaScript Display Expression, the data variable is used to refer to
this object. Thus, the expression data.my_field would return the value of the field named my_field”.
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