Users Guide

Value Description
Nwa_NumberFormat(value[, if_undefined])
value, decimals)Nwa_NumberFormat(
value, decimals, dec_point, thousands_sep[, if_
Converts a numerical value to a string. If the value has an
undefined type (in other words, has not been set), and the
if_undefined parameter was provided, returns if_
undefined. Otherwise, the number is converted to a string
using the number of decimal places specified in decimals
(default 0), the decimal point character in dec_point
(default “.”), and the thousands separator character in
thousands_sep (default “,”).
Nwa_TrimText(value, length) Trims excessively long strings to a maximum of length
characters, appending an ellipsis (“…”) if the string was
Nwa_ValueText(value[, if_undefined]) If the value has an undefined type (in other words, has not
been set), and the if_undefined parameter was provided,
returns if_undefined, or a HTML non-breaking space
(“ ”) otherwise. Otherwise, the value is converted to
a string for display.
LDAP Standard Attributes for User Class
The following list provides some of the attributes for the LDAP User class. For a complete list you should
l userPrincipalName: The userPrincipalName is a single-valued and indexed property that is a string that
specifies the user principal name (UPN) of the user. The UPN is an Internet-style login name for the user
based on the Internet standard RFC 822. The sAMAccountName property is a single-valued property that is
the logon name The objectSid property is a single-valued property that specifies the security identifier (SID)
of the user.
l accountExpires: The accountExpires property specifies when the account will expire.
l badPasswordTime: The badPasswordTime property specifies when the last time the user tried to log onto
the account using an incorrect password.
l badPwdCount: The badPwdCount property specifies the number of times the user tried to log on to the
account using an incorrect password.
l codePage: The codePage property specifies the code page for the user's language of choice. This value is
not used by Windows 2000.
l countryCode: The countryCode property specifies the country code for the user's language of choice. This
value is not used by Windows 2000.
l lastLogoff: The lastLogoff property specifies when the last logoff occurred.
l lastLogon: The lastLogon property specifies when the last logon occurred.
l logonCount: The logonCount property counts the number of successful times the user tried to log on to
this account.
l mail: The mail property is a single-valued property that contains the SMTP address for the user (such as
l memberOf: The memberOf property is a multi-valued property that contains groups of which the user is a
direct member.
l primaryGroupID: The primaryGroupID property is a single-valued property containing the relative
identifier (RID) for the primary group of the user.
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