Users Guide

Stage 1 tries to derive device profiles using static dictionary lookups. Based on the available attributes
available, Stage 1 looks up DHCP, HTTP, ActiveSync, MAC OUI, and SNMP dictionaries and derives multiple
matching profiles. After multiple matches are returned, the priority of the source that provided the attribute is
used to select the appropriate profile. The following list shows the decreasing order of priority.
l OnGuard/ActiveSync plugin
l HTTP User-Agent
Stage 2
CPPM comes with a built-in set of rules that evaluates to a device-profile. Rules engine uses all input attributes
and device profiles from Stage 1. The resulting rule evaluation may or may not result in a profile. Stage 2 is
intended to refine the results of profiling.
With DHCP options, Stage 1 can identify an Android device. Stage 2 uses rules to combine this with MAC OUI to
further classify an Android device as Samsung Android, HTC Android, etc.
For more information, see:
l Post Profile Actions on page 341
The Profiler User Interface
CPPM provides interfaces pages that administrators can use to search and view profiled endpoints and also
provides basic statistics about the profiled endpoints. The Cluster Status Dashboard widget shows basic
distribution of device types.
The Monitoring > Live Monitoring > Endpoint Profiler page provides detailed device distribution
information and a list of endpoints. From this page, you can search for endpoint profiles based on category,
family, name, etc.
For more information, see:
l Endpoint Profiler on page 41
l Policy Manager Dashboard on page 11
Post Profile Actions
After profiling an endpoint, use the Profiler tab to configure parameters to perform CoA on the Network
Device to which an endpoint is connected. Post profile configurations are configured under Service. The
administrator can select a set of categories and a CoA profile to be applied when the profile matches one of the
selected categories. CoA is triggered using the selected CoA profile. Any option from Endpoint Classification can
be used to invoke CoA on a change of any one of the fields (category, family, and name).
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.4 | User Guide ClearPass Policy Manager Profile | 341