Users Guide

Figure 373: Cluster-Wide Parameters - Cleanup Interval Tab
Parameter Description
interval for
Session log
details in
Specify the duration in number of days to keep the following data in the Policy Manager DB:
l session logs (found on Access Tracker page)
l event logs (found on Event Viewer page)
l machine authentication cache
The default value is 7 days.
interval for
stored on
the disk
Specify the duration in number of days to keep log files that are written to the disk. The default
value is 7 days.
Specify the duration in number of days that ClearPass uses to determine when to start deleting
known or disabled entries from the Endpoint repository. Known entries are deleted based on the
last Updated At value for each Endpoint. For example, if this value is 7, then known Endpoints that
do not have the Updated At value within the last 7 days are deleted.
The default value is 0 days. This indicates that no cleanup interval is specified.
Specify the duration in number of days that ClearPass uses to determine when to start deleting
unknown entries from the Endpoint repository. Unknown entries are deleted based on the last
Updated At value for each Endpoint. For example, if this value is 7, then unknown Endpoints that
do not have the Updated At value within the last 7 days (stale endpoints) are deleted. The default
value is 0 days. This indicates that no cleanup interval is specified.
Specify the cleanup interval for expired guest accounts. This indicates the number of days after
expiry that the cleanup occurs. 0 specifies no expired guest accounts cleanup interval. The default
value is 365 days.
Table 243:
Cluster-Wide Parameters - Cleanup Interval tab Parameters
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