Users Guide

508 | Command Line Interface Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.4 |User Guide
Flag/Parameter Description
-f <output-file-name> Specifies target for concatenated logs.
-s yyyy-mm-dd Specifies the start date range. The default value
is today. This field is optional.
-e yyyy-mm-dd Specifies the end date range. The default value
is today. This field is optional.
-n <days> Specifies the duration in days (from today). This
field is optional.
-t <log-type> Specifies the type of log to collect. This field is
-h Specifies the print help for available log types.
Table 338:
Dump Logs Command Parameters
Example 1
The following example dumps Policy Manager application log files:
[appadmin]# dump logs f tips-system-logs.tgz -s 2007-10-06 –e 2007-10-17 –t SystemLogs
Example 2
The following example prints help for available log types:
[appadmin]# dump logs -h
dump servercert
Use the dump servercert command to dump server certificate of SSL secured server.
dump servercert <hostname:port-number>
The following table describes the required and optional parameters for the dump servercert command:
Flag/Parameter Description
<hostname:port-number> Specifies the hostname and SSL port number.
Table 339:
Dump Servercert Command Parameters
The following example dumps server certificate of SSL secured server:
[appadmin]# dump servercert
Use the exit command to exit shell.