Users Guide

60 | Monitoring Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.4 |User Guide
Parameter Description
Name/Description Name and description of the filter.
Choose one of the following configuration types:
l Specify Custom SQL - Specify a custom SQL entry for the filter. If this is specified, the
Rules tab disappears and a SQL template displays in the Custom SQL field.
NOTE: Using this option is not recommended. It is recommended to contact Support, if you
want to use this option,
l Select Attributes - This option is selected by default and enables the Rules tab. Use the
Rules tab to configure rules for this filter.
Custom SQL If Specify Custom SQL is selected, then this field populates with a default SQL template. In
the text entry field, enter attributes for the type, attribute name, and attribute value.
NOTE: It is recommended to contact Support, if you choose to use this option. Support can
assist you with entering the correct information in this template.
Table 25:
Add Filter (Filter tab)
The Rules tab displays only if Select Attributes is selected on the Filter tab.
Figure 53: Add Filter (Rules tab)
Parameter Description
Rule Evaluation
Select ANY match is a logical OR operation of all the rules. Select ALL matches is a logical
AND operation of all the rules.
Add Rule Add a rule to the filter.
Move Up/Down Change the ordering of rules to Up and Down.
Edit/Remove Rule Edit or remove a rule.
Table 26:
Add Filter (Rules tab)
When you click on Add Rule or Edit Rule, the Data Filter Rules Editor appears.