Administrator Guide

202 | Using the W-ClearPass Configuration API Dell Networking W-ClearPass Deployment Guide
Filtering Based on Tag Attributes
The following entity types support tag attributes:
l Endpoint
l Device
l GuestUser
l LocalUser
To filter based on the tag attributes, include an additional attribute called dataType=”ATTRIBUTE” for that
filter condition as described in the following example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<TipsApiRequest xmlns="">
<TipsHeader version="3.0"/>
<Filter entity="NadClient">
<Criteria fieldName="ipAddress" filterString="" match="contains">
<MoreFilterConditions fieldName="TagName" fieldValue="TagValue" match="equals"
Match Operators Supported in a Criteria
The following match operators are supported in a criteria:
l equals: The value of fieldname matches the filterString exactly.
l notequals: The value of fieldname does not exactly match the filterString
l contains: The value of fieldname partially matches with the filterString, whic is case sensitive
l icontains: The case insensitive version of contains.
l belongsto: The value of fieldname is one of the values specified in the filterString, which can be comma
separated in this case.
Setting Up Bulk Access for Endpoints and Guest Accounts
Depending on the deployment, entities such as Endpoints and Guest users can grow to many thousands.
These entities support tag attributes, which are custom key-value pairs added by the system or the
Administrator that provide more context to the entity.
A bulk query to fetch all the details of the endpoints or Guest users in the system can impact system performance.
For better query performance and minimal load on the system, we recommends that you use the bulk query
Alternatively, you can primarily use the NameList query followed by a query on individual details for each name
present in the NameList. The NameList response depends on the specific endpoint.
Fetching List of MAC Addresses
Use the following command to fetch the list of MAC addresses for the endpoints present in the system:
wget --no-check-certificate --http-user=<USER> --http-password=<PASSWORD> --post-file=in.xml
NameList Method XML Request
The following is an example of the XML request for the Namelist method: