Administrator Guide

In the XML response, EntityNameList is populated with the entity-names. The list of names in the XML
response is not displayed in a specific order.
However, for the entities that have a specific order (for example, Services), the names are populated in the
order as specified in the EntityNameList.
The URL for the NameList method is:
XML Request
The following is an example of the NameList method XML request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<TipsApiRequest xmlns="">
<TipsHeader version="3.0"/>
<EntityNameList entity="Service"/>
XML Response
The following is an example of the NameList method XML response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<TipsApiResponse xmlns=""><TipsHeader
exportTime="Wed Aug 24 15:39:01 PST 2016" version="6.x"/>
<EntityNameList entity="Service"><Name>[Policy Manager Admin Network Login Service]
</Name><Name>[AirGroup Authorization Service]</Name><Name>[Aruba Device Access Service]
</Name><Name>[Guest Operator Logins]</Name><Name>test 802.1X Wireless</Name>
The Reorder method receives a list of names of objects of the Entity type and applies the new order to the list
of objects.
The XML request contains an EntityOrderList that should specify the Entity-type and a list of names. This list
should contain the names of all elements of the Entity-type. The new order is returned in the XML response.
You can pass multiple EntityOrderList for different entity-types in the request. The Reorder method is
available for the Services entity-type.
The URL for the Reorder method is:
XML Request
The following is an example of the Reorder method XML request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<TipsApiRequest xmlns="">
<TipsHeader version="6.x"/>
<EntityOrderList entity="Service"><Name>[Aruba Device Access Service]</Name>
<Name>[Guest Operator Logins]</Name><Name>test 802.1X Wireless</Name>
<Name>[Policy Manager Admin Network Login Service]</Name>
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Deployment Guide Using the W-ClearPass Configuration API | 207