Administrator Guide

Table Of Contents
Parameter Description
Specify inner authentication
methods in the preferred
1. Select any method available in the current context from the drop-down list.
Functions available in this tab include:
l To append an inner method to the displayed list, select from the Select a
method drop-down list. The list can contain multiple inner methods, which
W-Policy Manager sends in priority order until negotiation succeeds.
l To remove an inner method from the displayed list, select the method and click
l To set an inner method as the default inner method (the method tried first),
select a method and click Default.
2. When finished, click the PACs tab.
Table 73: EAP-FAST - Inner Methods Tab Parameters
PACs Tab
The PACs tab enables or disables Protected Access Credential (PAC) types. The following figure displays the
EAP-FAST - PACs dialog:
Figure 141: EAP_FAST PACs Dialog
1. Specify the Expiration Time (number of hours, days, weeks, months, or years) for each of the
Protected Access Credentials:
a. Tunnel PAC Expire Time
b. Machine PAC Expire Time
c. Authorization PAC Expire Time
d. Posture PAC Expire Time
2. Select the PAC Provisioning tab.
PAC Provisioning Tab
The PAC Provisioning tab controls anonymous and authenticated modes. The following figure displays the
EAP-FAST PAC - Provisioning dialog:
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