Administrator Guide

Table Of Contents
You can have one or more AdminTask tags inside the AdminPrivilege tag. Each AdminTask tag defines a
lace within the W-ClearPass Policy Manager application that a user with that privilege can view or change. The
AdminTask tag contains one taskid attribute and a single AdminTaskAction tag. The AdminTaskAction
tag contains an attribute, type which can take a value, RO (read only) or RW (read/write).
The following sample gives the basic structure of an admin privilege file:
<AdminPrivilege name="" description="">
<AdminTask taskid="">
<AdminTaskAction type=""/>
<AdminTask taskid="">
<AdminTaskAction type=""/>
Administrator Privileges and IDs
Every UI element in the W-ClearPass Policy Manager application has a task ID associated with it. The users have
access to the elements based on the permissions set for each task or element. By default, any permission
provided for a task is applicable for all its sub-tasks. For example, if you give RW permissions for the task,
Enforcements (con.en), it is automatically applied to its sub-tasks, Policies (con.en.epo) and Profiles
(con.en.epr). Hence, you need not explicitly define the same permission for those sub-tasks.
The following list provides the tasks and sub-tasks of the W-ClearPass Policy Manager application and their
associated task IDs:
Area (W-ClearPass Policy Manager Menu) Task ID
Monitoring mon
l Live Monitoring
n Access Tracker
n Accounting
n Onguard Activity
n Analysis and Trending
n Endpoint Profiles
n System Monitor
l Audit Viewer mon.av
l Blacklisted Users
l Event Viewer mon.ev
Table 256: Administrator Privileges and IDs
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