Administrator Guide

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CEF Event Format Type > Session Logs
The following example describes the CEF event format type for the Session Logs syslog export filter template:
Dec 01 2014 15:28:40.540 IST CEF:0Dell|ClearPass||1604-1-0|Session
Logs|0|RADIUS.Acct-Calling-Station-Id=00:32:b6:2c:28:95 RADIUS.Acct-Framed-IP-
Address= RADIUS.Auth-Source=AD: RADIUS.Acct-Timestamp=2014-12-01
15:26:43+05:30 RADIUS.Auth-Method=PAP RADIUS.Acct-Service-Name=Authenticate-Only RADIUS.Acct-
Session-Time=3155 TimestampFormat=MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS zzz RADIUS.Acct-NAS-Port=0
RADIUS.Acct-Session-Id=R00001316-01-547c3b5a RADIUS.Acct-NAS-Port-Type=Wireless-802.11
RADIUS.Acct-Output-Octets=578470212 RADIUS.Acct-Username=A_user2 RADIUS.Acct-NAS-IP-
Address= RADIUS.Acct-Input-Octets=786315664
LEEF Event Format Type > Session Logs
The following example describes the LEEF event format type for the Session Logs syslog export filter
Dec 02 2014 15:35:14.944 IST LEEF:1.0Dell|ClearPass||1309854-1-
0|RADIUS.Acct-Calling-Station-Id=00:88:57:2d:12:a4 RADIUS.Acct-Framed-IP-
Address= RADIUS.Auth-Source=AD: RADIUS.Acct-Timestamp=2014-12-02
15:32:47+05:30 RADIUS.Auth-Method=PAP RADIUS.Acct-Service-Name=Authenticate-Only RADIUS.Acct-
Session-Time=565 TimestampFormat=MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS z RADIUS.Acct-NAS-Port=0
RADIUS.Acct-Session-Id=R000a5038-01-547d8e47 RADIUS.Acct-NAS-Port-Type=Wireless-802.11
RADIUS.Acct-Output-Octets=412895267 RADIUS.Acct-Username=A_user706 RADIUS.Acct-NAS-IP-
Address= RADIUS.Acct-Input-Octets=665942581
Filter and Columns Tab
This section describes the parameters in the Filter and Columns tab of the Administration > External
Servers > Syslog Export Filters > Add page. This tab provides two methods for configuring data filters and
is only visible if you select Insight Logs or Session Logs as the export template in the General tab.
Insight Logs
This section describes the options if you select Insight Logs as the export template in the General tab.
The Insight Logs option is enabled only if the Enable Insight check box is selected from the Administration >
Server Manager > Server Configuration > System tab.
The following figure displays the Syslog Export Filters - Filter and Columns (Insight Logs) tab.
Figure 543: Syslog Export Filters - Filter and Columns (Insight Logs) Tab
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