Administrator Guide

Table Of Contents
Value Description
Agent Health checks are performed by the OnGuard Agent after the user logs in to the client.
Service OnGuard Agent performs health checks as soon as the client boots up, that is, even before the
user logs in to the client.
When a user logs in to the client, the user can view the most recent health check results via the
OnGuard Agent user interface. The user can perform health checks again by clicking the Retry
button. For details, see the next section, Limitations for the Run OnGuard As Parameter.
When the user is not logged in to the client, the ClearPass OnGuard Agent service performs
health checks. As soon as the user logs in to the client, the W-ClearPass OnGuard Agent service
stops health checks and the OnGuard Agent user interface initiates health checks.
Table 360: Global Agent Settings: Run OnGuard As Parameters
Limitations for the Run OnGuard As Parameter
When the Run OnGuard As parameter is set to Service, the following limitations pertain:
1. In Service mode, OnGuard always runs in Health Only mode; that is, OnGuard always sends the client's
MAC Address as User Name.
2. If a user is not logged in, some of the health checks and auto-remediation may fail in Service mode. These
health checks are user-level checks, such as Registry Keys (HKCU), Processes, and Installed Applications (per
user applications).
3. When OnGuard Agent is running in Service mode, the OnGuard user interface is used only to display
messages and provide the Retry button (to perform health checks).
4. The Enable to Hide Quit Option does not have any effect in Service mode as the Quit button is only for
exiting the OnGuard user interface.
Contact Support
The Administration > Support > Contact Support page provides you with information on how to contact
Dell Support.
The following figure displays the Contact Support page:
Figure 659: Contact Support Page
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