Administrator Guide

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Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.6 | User Guide Use Cases | 807
Appendix C
Use Cases
This appendix contains several specific W-ClearPass Policy Manager use cases. Each one explains what it is
typically used for, and then describes how to configure W-Policy Manager for that use case.
l 802.1X Wireless Use Case on page 807
l Web Based Authentication Use Case on page 813
l MAC Authentication Use Case on page 820
l TACACS+ Use Case on page 823
l Single Port Use Case on page 824
802.1X Wireless Use Case
The basic Policy Manager Use Case configures a Policy Manager Service to identify and evaluate an 802.1X
request from a user logging into a Wireless Access Device. The following image illustrates the flow of control for
this service:
Figure 743: Flow of Control, Basic 802.1X Configuration Use Case