Connectivity Guide

114 | Onboard + WorkSpace Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.2 | User Guide
2. In the Name field, give this calendar setting a short name that identifies it clearly. Calendar settings names can
include spaces.
If you are duplicating a calendar setting, the original name has "Copy" appended to it. You may highlight this
name and replace it with a new name.
3. In the Description field, you can briefly describe the characteristics of the calendar settings.
4. In the Account Description field, you can enter the display name for the account.
5. In the Account Hostname field, enter the hostname of IP address of the CalDAV server.
6. In the Port field, use the counter to enter the port number of the CalDAV server.
7. To enable secure socket layer communication with the CalDAV server, mark the check box in the Use SSL row.
8. In the Account Principal URL field, you can enter the principal URL for the CalDAV account.
9. In the Account Settings area, choose an option from the Account Details drop-down list to indicate how user
account information should be supplied. Options available in the list include:
l User provided - entered by user on device
l Provisioning - values acquired during device provisioning
l Shared preset values - testing only
10. If Shared preset values - testing only is selected in the Account Details drop-down list, the Username and
Password fields are added to the form. Enter the CalDAV username and password to be used.
11. Click Save Changes. The calendar settings are available as a configuration unit on the Configuration Profile form.
Contacts Settings
CardDAV accounts allow users of a provisioned device to access and share contact data on a server. CardDAV
contacts settings are only supported on iOSdevices; they are ignored by all other devices. To create and work with
CardDAV contacts settings, go to Onboard + WorkSpace > Onboard/MDM Configuration > Contacts. The
Contacts Settings list view opens.