Connectivity Guide

120 | Onboard + WorkSpace Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.2 | User Guide
l Provisioning - values acquired during device provisioning
l Shared preset values - testing only
The remaining fields available in the General Settings area will vary according to your choice in the this drop-
down list.
6. In the Email Address field, enter the full email address for the account.
7. In the Email Address Domain field, enter the domain name to append to the username.
8. Choose an option in the When to Add Email Address Domain field. Available options include Only if username
is not a valid email address and Always add the domain.
9. To allow users to move messages from the account, mark the check box in the Allow Move field.
10. To include the account in recent address syncing, mark the check box in the Allow Recent Address Sync field.
11. In the Use Only in Mail field, mark the check box if outgoing mail should only be sent from the Mail app, and
should not be available for sending mail in third-party applications.
In the Incoming Mail Server Settings area:
1. Enter the hostname or IP address of the server for the incoming mail in the Incoming Mail Server field.
2. In the Port drop-down list, use the counter to select the server to user for incoming mail.
3. To enable secure socket layer communication with the server and ensure that communications are encrypted, mark
the check box in the Use SSL row.
4. Choose an authentication method from the drop-down list in the Authentication Type row. Options include:
l Password
l MD5 Challenge-Response
l HTTP MD5 Digest
l None
5. Choose an option from the Account Details drop-down list to indicate how user account information should be
supplied. Options available in the list include:
l User provided - entered by user on device
l Provisioning - values acquired during device provisioning
l Shared preset values - testing only
6. If Shared preset values - testing only is selected in the Account Details drop-down list, the Username and
Password fields are added to the form. Enter the CalDAV username and password for connecting to the server for
incoming mail.
In the Outgoing Mail Server Settings area:
1. Enter the hostname or IP address of the server for the outgoing mail in the Outgoing Mail Server field.
2. In the Port drop-down list, use the counter to select the server to user for outgoing mail.
3. To enable secure socket layer communication with the server and ensure that communications are encrypted, mark
the check box in the Use SSL row.
4. Choose an authentication method from the drop-down list in the Authentication Type row. Options include:
l Password
l MD5 Challenge-Response
l HTTP MD5 Digest
l None