Connectivity Guide

136 | Onboard + WorkSpace Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.2 | User Guide
7. In the Account Settings area, choose an option from the Account Details drop-down list to indicate how user
account information should be supplied. Options available in the list include:
l User provided - entered by user on device
l Provisioning - values acquired during device provisioning
l Shared preset values - testing only
8. If Shared preset values - testing only is selected in the Account Details drop-down list, the Username and
Password fields are added to the form. Enter username and password to be used for the subscribed calendar.
9. Click Save Changes. The calendar settings are available as a configuration unit on the Configuration Profile form.
VPN Settings
You can automatically configure virtual private network (VPN) settings on iOS and OS X 10.7+ devices. You can
define multiple VPN configurations. Each configuration you define is a "configuration unit"that you can include in a
configuration profile.
Use VPN configuration profiles when you have deployed a VPN infrastructure and want to automatically provide the
secure connection settings to users at the time of device provisioning. VPN configuration profiles are only supported
by iOSand OS X 10.7+ (Lion or later) devices; they will be ignored by all other device types.
To create and work with VPN configurations, go to Onboard + WorkSpace > Onboard/MDM Configuration > VPN
Settings. The VPN Settings list view opens.
All VPN configurations that have been created are included in the list. You can click a VPN configuration's row in the
list for additional options:
l To view details for a VPN configuration, click its Show Details link. The form expands to show its name,
description, and other configuration settings.