Connectivity Guide

140 | Onboard + WorkSpace Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.2 | User Guide
All Web clip settings that have been created are included in the list. You can click a Web clip setting's row in the list
for additional options:
l To view details for a Web clips setting, click its Show Details link. The form expands to show the Web clips
setting's name and description, the icon if one was chosen, the URL, and whether it is enabled for removal.
l To edit any of a Web clips setting's attributes, click its Edit link. The Web Clips Settings form opens.
l To create a copy of a Web clips setting to use as a basis for a new Web clip, click its Duplicate link. The Web
Clips Settings form opens with all attributes prepopulated and "Copy" appended to the Web clips setting's name.
You can rename the new Web clips setting, and edit any of its attributes.
l To see if the Web clips setting is currently used, click its Show Usage link. The form expands to show a list of
configuration profiles that use the Web clips setting.
l To create new Web clips settings, click the Create new Web Clips settings link in the upper right corner. The Web
Clips Settings form opens.
For information on creating, editing, or duplicating Web clips settings, see "Creating and Editing Web Clips" on page
Creating and Editing Web Clips
A Web clip's settings include its name and description, the icon if one was chosen, the URL, and whether the user can
remove it.
To configure a Web clip setting:
1. Go to Onboard + WorkSpace > Onboard/MDM Configuration > Web Clips and Bookmarks, then click the
Create new web clip link in the upper-right corner. The Web Clip Settings form opens.
2. In the Name field, give the Web clip a short name that identifies it clearly. Web clip names can include spaces.