Connectivity Guide

162 | Onboard + WorkSpace Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.2 | User Guide
Downloading a Push Certificate
You can download the contents of the push certificate onto a file on your compuer. Push certificates have a default
extension of .crt.
To download a push certificate:
1. Go to Onboard + WorkSpace > Inital Setup > iOS MDM Push Certificate
2. Click iOS Push Certificate Signing Request.
3. Click Download the current MDM signed CSR.
Depending on your browser and its settings, the certificate file may be saved automatically to a pre-defined folder on
your hard drive, or you may get asked for a location to save the file.
See Also:
l "About Push Certificates" on page 160
l "Creating a Certificate Signing Request for Device Management" on page 160
l "Installing a Push Certificate" on page 161
l "Viewing Push Certificate Details" on page 161
About App Policy Templates
Policy templates define a set of policies that you can then apply to your managed apps. These policies control
l Authentication
l Storage
l App Interaction
l Locking and wiping
l Jailbreaking
l Network access
l Motion
l Geographic fencing
l Time fencing
See Also:
l "Creating an App Policy Template" on page 163
l "Viewing App Policy Template Settings" on page 162
l "Editing App Policy Template Settings" on page 166
l "Pushing an App Policy Template" on page 166
l "Deleting an App Policy Template" on page 166
Viewing App Policy Template Settings
To view an app policy template's settings:
1. Go to Onboard + WorkSpace > WorkSpace Configuration > Application Policy Templates.
2. Click the name of an app policy template.
3. Click Show Details.
See Also: