Connectivity Guide

The permissions defined on this screen apply to the print template identified in the “Object” line.
The owner profile always has full access to the print template.
To control access to this print template by other entities, add or modify the entries in the “Access list. To add an entry
to the list, or remove an entry from the list, click one of the icons in the row. A Delete icon and an Add icon will
then be displayed for that row.
Select one of the following entities in the Entity drop-down list:
l Operator Profiles a specific operator profile may be selected. The corresponding permissions will apply to all
operators with that operator profile.
l Other Entities
n Authenticated operators the permissions for all operators (other than the owner profile) may be set using
this item. Permissions for an individual operator profile will take precedence over this item.
n Guests the permissions for guests may be set using this item.
The permissions for the selected entity can be set using the Permissions drop-down list:
n No access the print template is not visible in the list, and cannot be used, edited, duplicated, or deleted.
n Visible-only access the print template is visible in the list, but cannot be edited, duplicated, or deleted.
n Read-only access the print template is visible in the list, and the settings for it may be viewed. The print
template cannot be edited or deleted.
n Update access the print template is visible in the list, and may be edited. The print template cannot be
deleted and the permissions for the print template cannot be modified.
n Update and delete access the print template is visible in the list, and may be edited or deleted. The
permissions for the print template cannot be modified.
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