Connectivity Guide

320 | Administration Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.2 | User Guide
When invoked, this performs the Ping operation and displays the following output:
Securing Web Services Using HTTPS
Because HTTP Basic authentication is insecure, it is strongly recommended that the HTTPS transport be used for all
SOAP API calls.
To use HTTPS as the transport for SOAP API requests, the following changes should be made to the application
configuration file:
l The mode attribute of the <security> tag must be changed to “Transport”.
l The address attribute of the <endpoint> tag must be changed to a URL including the “https: prefix.
The updated app.config file is shown below, with the relevant changes highlighted.
Additionally, if a self-signed certificate is being used on the remote server, you will need to provide a suitable
ServerCertificateValidationCallback implementation to validate the peer’s certificate.
The following code is a minimal implementation that accepts all server certificates without verification:
// Trust self-signed certificates
System..Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback =
((sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true);
In a production environment, it is strongly recommended that you deploy an SSL certificate that is signed by a trusted