Connectivity Guide

418 | Reference DellNetworking W-ClearPass Guest 6.2 | User Guide
Form Field Conversion Functions
The Conversion and Value Format functions that are available are listed below:
l NwaConvertOptionalDateTime Converts a string representation of a time to the UNIX time representation
(integer value). The conversion leaves blank values unmodified.
l NwaConvertOptionalInt Converts a string representation of an integer to the equivalent integer value. The
conversion leaves blank values unmodified.
l NwaConvertStringToOptions Converts a multi-line string representation of the form
key1 | value1
key2 | value2
to the array representation
array (
'key1' => 'value1',
'key2' => 'value2',
l NwaImplodeComma Converts an array to a string by joining all of the array values with a comma.
l NwaTrim Removes leading and trailing whitespace from a string value.
l NwaTrimAll Removes all whitespace from a string (including embedded spaces, newlines, carriage returns, tabs,
l NwaStrToUpper Formats the text string to all uppercase letters.
l NwaStrToLower Formats the text string to all lowercase letters.
l NwaNormalizePhoneNumber Removes all spaces, dashes, parenthesis and non-numerical characters from the
phone number.
Form Field Display Formatting Functions
The Display Functions that are available are listed below:
Function Description
Formats a Boolean value as a string.
l If the argument is 0 or 1, a 0 or 1 is returned for false and true, respectively.
l If the argument is a string containing a “|” character, the string is split at the |
separator and used for false and true values.
l If the argument is an array, the 0 and 1 index values are used for false and true
Otherwise, the string values “false and “true are returned.
Formats a non-negative size in bytes as a human readable number (bytes, KB, MB, GB,
etc). 1 KB is defined as 1,024 bytes, 1 MB as 1,024 KB (1,048,576 bytes), and 1 GB as
1,024 MB (1,073,741,824 bytes).
l If a negative value is supplied, returns the argument (or null if no argument was
l If a non-numeric value is supplied, that value is returned directly.
Formats a numeric value that indicates a monetary amount as a string.
If the argument is null or not supplied, the current locales settings are used to format the
monetary value.
l The argument may be an array, which will override the current locale’s settings (see
NwaNumberFormat for the list of settings that are used).
l The argument may be a numeric value, which is used as the number of fractional
digits to use when formatting the monetary amount (other locale settings will remain
Table 50:
Form Field Display Functions