Connectivity Guide

42 | W-ClearPassGuest Manager Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.2 | User Guide
Operator Meaning Additional Information
= is equal to
You may search for multiple values when using the
equality (=) or inequality !=) operators. To specify
multiple values, list them separated by the pipe
character ( | ).
For example, specifying the filter "role_id=2|3, custom_
field=Value" restricts the accounts displayed to those
with role IDs 2 and 3 (Guest and Employee), and with
the field named "custom_field" set to "Value".
!= is not equal to
> is greater than
>= is greater than or equal to
< is less than
<= is less than or equal to
~ matches the regular expression
does not match the regular
Table 8:
Operators supported in filters
To restore the default view, click the Clear Filter link.
Use the paging control at the bottom of the list to jump forwards or backwards by one page, or to the first or last page
of the list. You can also click an individual page number to jump directly to that page.
To select guest accounts, click the accounts you want to work with. You may click either the check box or the row to
select a visitor account. To select or unselect all visible visitor accounts, click the check box in the header row of the
Use the selection row at the top of the table to work with the current set of selected accounts. The number of currently
selected accounts is shown. When a filter is in effect, the “All Matching link can be used to add all pages of the
filtered result to the selection.
Use the Create tab to create new visitor accounts using the Create Guest Accounts form. See "Managing Multiple
Guest Accounts " on page 41 in this chapter for details about this form.
Use the Delete tab to delete the visitor accounts that you have selected. This option is not active if there are no
visitor accounts selected.
Use the Edit tab to make changes to multiple visitor accounts at once. This option is not active if there are no
visitor accounts selected.
The Edit Guest Accounts form may be customized by adding new fields, or modifying or removing the existing fields.
See "Customizing Self-Provisioned Access" on page 217 for details about this customization process. This is the guest_
multi_form form.