Connectivity Guide

60 | W-ClearPassGuest Manager Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.2 | User Guide
6. Click Save Changes to complete this configuration and continue with other tasks, or click Save and Reload to
proceed to Policy Manager and apply the network settings.
Importing MAC Devices
The standard Guest > Import Accounts form supports importing MAC devices. At a minimum the following two
columns are required: mac and mac_auth.
1,aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa,Device A
1,bb:bb:bb:bb:bb:bb,Device B
1,cc:cc:cc:cc:cc:cc,Device C
Any of the other standard fields can be added similar to importing regular guests.
Advanced MAC Features
User Detection on Landing Pages
When mac is passed in the redirect URL, the user is detected and a customized message displays on the landing page.
Navigate to Administration > Plugin Manager > Manage Plugins: MAC Authentication: Configuration and enable
MAC Detect.
Edit the header of your redirect landing page (login or registration) and include the following:
<p>{if $guest_receipt.u.visitor_name}
Welcome back to the show, {$guest_receipt.u.visitor_name|htmlspecialchars}!
Welcome to the show!
For debugging purposes, include the following to see all the fields available:
{dump var=$guest_receipt export=html}
Click-Through Login Pages
A click-through login page will present a splash or terms screen to the guest, yet still provide MAC-auth style seamless
authentication. Under this scenario, you could have people create an account, with a paired MAC, yet still have them
click the terms and conditions on every new connection.
Disable MAC authentication on the controller.
Navigate to Administration > Plugin Manager > Manage Plugins: MAC Authentication: Configuration and enable
MAC Detect.
Create a Web Login
l Authentication: Anonymous
l Anonymous User: _mac (_mac is a special secret value)
l Pre-Auth Check: Local
l Terms: Require a Terms and Conditions confirmation
Set the Web login as your landing page and test. Using a registered device the 'Log In' button should be enabled,
otherwise it will be disabled.
You may also want to add a message so visitors get some direction.
<p>{if $guest_receipt.u.username}
{if $guest_receipt.u.visitor_name}
Welcome back, {$guest_receipt.u.visitor_name|htmlspecialchars}!
Welcome back.