Deployment Guide

Import Information: Palo Alto Network Services 393
Import Information: RADIUSServices 393
Import Information: Reporting Manager Definitions 395
Import Information: Server Configuration 395
Import Information: SMSServices 396
Import Information: SMTP Services 396
Plugin Manager 397
Viewing Available Plugins 397
Configuring Plugins 398
Configuring the Kernel Plugin 399
Configuring the DellW-ClearPass Skin Plugin 400
Configuring the SMS Services Plugin 401
Configuring the IP Phone Services Plugin 403
Configuring the Translations Plugin 403
SMS Services 404
Viewing SMS Gateways 404
Creating a New SMS Gateway 405
Editing an SMS Gateway 407
Sending an SMS 409
About SMS Credits 409
About SMS Guest Account Receipts 410
SMS Receipt Options 410
Working with the Mobile Carriers List 410
Support Services 413
Viewing the Application Log 413
Exporting the Application Log 414
Contacting Support 415
Viewing Documentation 415
SOAP Web Services and API 415
Viewing Available Web Services 416
Configuring Web Services 417
SOAPAPIIntroduction 417
Audience 418
API Documentation Overview 418
Disclaimer 418
About the SOAPAPI 418
Architecture Overview 418
Authentication and Access Control 419
HTTP headers 419
Character Set Encoding 419
SOAP Faults 419
Using the SOAPAPI 420
Accessing SOAP Web Services 420
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.3 | User Guide Contents | 13