Deployment Guide

176 | Onboard + WorkSpace Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.3 | User Guide
10. To specify a maximum duration for the passcode, use the counter in the Max PIN Age field. After the specified
number of days, the device is locked and the user must change their passcode.
11. To require that the passcode include complex characters, use the counter in the Min Complex Chars field to
specify how many complex characters it must contain. Complex, or special, characters are non-alphanumeric, such
as &%$#.
12. To set a maximum time in which the user may unlock the device without re-entering the passcode, use the drop-
down list in the Max Grace Period field to select a number of minutes. The user may set a lower number.
13. To specify the minimum number of characters the passcode must include, use the counter in the Min Length field
to select the number of characters.
14. To specify that when the user changes their passcode the new value cannot be one that was used within a defined
period of the passcode's history, use the counter in the PIN History field. The number you select is the number of
recent passwords whose values will not be allowed.
15. Click Save Changes. The passcode policy is available as a configuration unit on the Configuration Profile form.
For information about the list of iOS device passcode policy settings, see "Passcode Policy " on page 173. For more
information about configuration profiles, see "Configuration Profiles" on page 208
Single Sign On Settings
The Single Sign-On form lets you configure the single sign-on (SSO) settings to be sent to the provisioned device. SSO
settings are only supported on iOSdevices; they are ignored by all other devices.
To create and work with SSO settings, go to Onboard + WorkSpace > Onboard/MDM Configuration > Single Sign-
On. The SSO Settings list view opens.
All single sign-on settings that have been created are included in the list. You can click an SSO setting's row in the
list for additional options: