Deployment Guide

l To create a copy of a VPN configuration to use as a basis for a new configuration, click its Duplicate link. The
VPN Settings form opens with all attributes prepopulated and "Copy" appended to its name. You can rename the
new configuration, and edit any of its attributes.
l To delete a VPN setting, click its Delete link. You will be asked to confirm the deletion.
l To see if the VPN configuration unit is currently used, click its Show Usage link. The form expands to show a list
of configuration profiles that use it.
l To create a new VPN configuration, click the Create new VPN Settings link in the upper right corner. The VPN
Settings form opens.
For information on creating, editing, or duplicating a VPN settings configuration unit, see "Configuring an iOS Device
VPN Connection " on page 181.
Configuring an iOS Device VPN Connection
You can use VPN settings when you have deployed a VPN infrastructure and want to automatically provide the secure
connection settings to users at the time of device provisioning. VPN configuration profiles are only supported by
iOSī˜ƒand OS X 10.7+ (Lion or later) devices; they will be ignored by all other device types.
You can configure the following VPN settings:
l L2TP
l IPSec (Cisco)
l "Configuring an iOS Device VIA Connection " on page 183
Configuring an iOS Device IPSec Connection
You can use VPN settings when you have deployed a VPN infrastructure and want to automatically provide the secure
connection settings to users at the time of device provisioning. VPN configuration profiles are only supported by
iOSī˜ƒand OS X 10.7+ (Lion or later) devices; they will be ignored by all other device types.
You can configure the following VPN settings:
l L2TP
l IPSec (Cisco)
l Dell VIA
Following VPN configure VPN settings:
1. Go to Onboard + WorkSpace > Onboard/MDM Configuration >ī˜ƒVPN Settings, then click the Create new VPN
settings link in the upper-right corner. The VPN Settings form opens.
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.3 | User Guide Onboard + WorkSpace | 181