Deployment Guide

3. In the User Interface drop-down list, select Checklist.
4. In the Description text box, delete the existing text, then enter Select the location IDs where this device will be
shared. Leave blank to share with all locations.
5. Delete any text from the CSS Class and the CSS Style fields.
6. In the Options Generator drop-down list, select (Use options).
7. In the Options text box, enter a list of values to use as the checklist options that presented to the user.
The values you enter in the Options text box control both the values stored in the shared_location field in the
database as well as the text displayed to the user in the checklist. Use the following format:
tag1=value1 | Option 1
tag2=value2 | Option 2
...where the tag=value pair tag1=value1 represents the value stored in the shared_location field in the database, the
pipe character ( | ) is a separator, and Option 1 represents the text displayed in the checklist.
8. (Optional) To sort the locations by key or value, choose an option from the Sort drop-down list.
9. (Optional) To control the layout of the checklist on the form, first use the Layout drop-down list to select either
Vertical or Horizontal. The name of the next field changes to correspond to your choice in this field. Enter the
appropriate number in the Vertical Rows or Horizontal Rows field. If the Layout field is left blank, the default
layout of a single list of checklist options is displayed.
To ensure the values are stored correctly as a comma-separated list:
1. Scroll to the Advanced Properties section of the form and mark the check box in the Advanced row. The form
expands to include the advanced options.
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.3 | User Guide Configuration | 329