Deployment Guide

334 | Configuration Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.3 | User Guide
Field Description
Sponsoring If selected, determines the sponsor name by querying the Cisco IP phone service.
User Database (Required) The service handler used to create new visitor accounts.
User Role (Required ) Role that will be assigned to new visitor accounts.
Expiration Options
(Required) Options that should be available for setting the expiration time of a guest
account. Enter each option in the format "hours | description", as shown in the example text.
To identify the default value, add an asterisk (*) after the value, separated form it by a space.
Defining Receipt and Access Control Properties
To define receipt properties and access control for the service:
Field Description
Service Provider Provider to use for sending SMS messages.
SMS Receipt Plain-text format print template to use when generating an SMS receipt.
Allowed Access IP addresses and networks from which access will be permitted.
Denied Access IP addresses and networks from which access will be denied.
Timed Access
List of time ranges during which the IP phone service is enabled. Enter each time range on a
separate line. To enable the service at all times, leave this field empty.
When you have completed your entries on this page, click Save Changes. The new service is created and displayed in
the IP Phone Services list.
Customizing Print Templates
Print templates are used to define the format and appearance of a guest account receipt. To work with print templates,
go to Configuration > Print Templates. The Print Templates view opens.
Click a print template’s row in the list to select it. The template’s row expands to include the Edit, Duplicate, Delete,
Preview, Show Usage, and Permissions options.