Deployment Guide

340 | Configuration Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.3 | User Guide
6. Click Save Changes to save your settings.
7. To preview the new template, select the template in the Guest Manager Print Templates list, then click Preview.
The template is displayed. The template created by the example text given above would look like this:
Customize the Guest Accounts Form
Next, modify the Guest Accounts form to add a flag that to allows access-code based authentication.
1. Navigate to Configuration > Forms & Views.
2. In the Customize Forms & Views list, select create_multi and then click Edit Fields.
3. In the Edit Fields list, look for a field named username_auth. If the field exists, but is not bolded and enabled,
select it and click Enable Field.
If the field does not exist, select any field in the list (for example, num_accounts) and select Insert After. Click the
Field Name drop-down list, select username_auth and allow the page to refresh. The defaults should be
acceptable, but feel free to customize the label or description.
4. Click Save Changes to save your settings. Once the field is enabled or inserted, you should see it bolded in the
list of fields.
Create the Access Code Guest Accounts
Once the account fields have been customized, you can create new accounts.
1. Navigate to Guest > Create Multiple.
2. Mark the check box in the Username Authentication row that was added in the procedure above. (If you do not
select this check box and if the username is entered on the login screen, the authentication will be denied.) The
example shown below will create 10 accounts that will expire in two weeks, or fours hours after the visitors first
log in, whichever comes first.