Deployment Guide

348 | Configuration Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.3 | User Guide
Field Description
Key fields.
URL Hash Key
Confirm Key
(Required) Enter the RADIUS shared secret for the redirect URL's hash verification process in
both fields.
Options in the Login Form area specify the behavior and content of the login form:
Field Description
Authentication requirement options include:
Credentials -- Require a username and password
Access Code -- Only require a username for authentication
Anonymous -- Do not require a username or password. This option adds the Auto-Generate
and Anonymous User fields to the form.
Auto-generates the anonymous account. Account is created without a session limit or
expiration time, and with the Guest role (ID 2).
Anonymous User
(Required) Account to use for anonymous authentication. The password will be visible in the
HTML. The account Session Limit should be increased to the number of guests to be
Prevent CNA
Enables bypassing the Apple Captive Network Assistant (CNA). The CNA is the pop-up
browser shown when joining a network that has a captive portal. This option might not work
with all vendors; it is dependent on how the captive portal is implemented.
Custom Form
Indicates you will provide a custom login form. If selected, you must supply your own HTML
login form for the header or footer HTML areas.
Custom Labels
Enables altering the default labels and error messages. This option adds the Pre-Auth Error
field to the form.
Username Label
Label that appears on the form for the username field. Leave blank to use the default,
Password Label
Label that appears on the form for the password field. Leave blank to use the default
Pre-Auth Check How the username and password should be checked before authentication. Options include: