Deployment Guide

l displayName = textThe user’s full name is displayed as the label for a matching item.
l # title = desc—Commented out and not used by default. Enables the title of the user to be shown in the
l userPrincipalName = descThe user’s email address is displayed as descriptive text for a matching item.
Configuring the AirGroup Shared User Field
The AirGroup row of the Edit Authentication Server form is the starting point to enable the server for user search in
AirGroup. This row provides a brief description of the process and a link to the airgroup_shared_user field's
configuration form.
The airgroup_shared_user field stores a list of usernames with whom an AirGroup device should be shared. To enable
user search, this field must be updated with new configuration options.
To configure the airgroup_shared_user field, do one of the following:
l From the Administration > Operator Logins > Servers > Edit Authentication Server form, click the Edit
airgroup_shared_user field link provided in the Tip in the AirGroup row.
l If you are not starting from the Edit Authentication Server form, go to Configuration > Fields, select the airgroup_
shared_user field in the list, and then click Edit. The Define Custom Field form for that field opens.
Use the Default Form Display Properties area of the form to set the field type and enable search:
Field Description
Type of user interface element to use for this field. Select Multiple selection list from this drop-down list.
Select the Enable searching and advanced UI check box in this row. The Select2 Options and Select2
Hook fields are added to the form.
Table 77:
Default Form Display Properties, Relevant Fields
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