Deployment Guide

Name Type Description
device account
enabled Flag
Boolean value indicating whether the
device account is enabled
simultaneous_use Integer
Number of simultaneous sessions
allowed by the device account
do_schedule Flag
Flag indicating if the device account
should be enabled at schedule_time
schedule_time String
Date and time at which the device
account will be enabled
do_expire Integer
Action to take when the expire_time is
expire_time String
Time at which the device account will
expire_postlogin Integer
Time period for which the device
account will be valid after the first
login, or 0 for indefinitely
Return Values
Name Type Description
error Flag
Set to 1 if the device account was not
message String
Message describing the success or
failure of the operation
item Struct
User structure containing updated
field values
uid Integer ID of the device account
String Field-specific error message
Field-specific error flag, set to 1 if
Access Control
Requires the full_user_control privilege (Guest Manager >Full User Control in the Operator Profile Editor).
Example Usage
Sample parameters for the call:
'uid' => 162,
'username' => '',
'password' => 'password_value',
'password_value' => 'password',
'role_id' => 2,
'enabled' => 1,
'simultaneous_use' => 1,
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.3 | User Guide The XML-RPC Interface and API | 479