Deployment Guide

Field Description
This field controls account creation and modification behavior; it is not stored with
created or modified visitor accounts.
String. Value indicating how to modify the expire_usage field. This field is only of
use when editing a visitor account. It may be set to one of the following values:
l “expire_usage” to set the cumulative usage expiration timer to the value in the
expire_usage field;
l “plus
or “minus
”, where
is a time measurement, to extend or reduce the
cumulative usage expiration timer by
(seconds, but may have a “ywdhms”
suffix to indicate years, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds respectively);
l A number, to set the cumulative usage expiration time to the value specified;
l Any other value to leave expire_usage unmodified.
This field controls account modifications; it is not stored with the visitor account.
String. Value indicating how to modify the account password.
l It may be one of the following values:
l “random_password to use the password specified in the random_password
l “reset” to create a new password, using the method specified in the random_
password_method field (or the global defaults, if no value is available in this
l “password to use the value from the password field;
l Any other value leaves the password unmodified.
This field controls account creation and modification behavior; it is not stored with
created or modified visitor accounts.
String. Value indicating how to modify the schedule_time field.
It may be one of the following values:
l “none” to disable the account activation time;
l “now to activate the account immediately;
l “schedule_time to use the activation time specified in the schedule_time form
field (normally a UNIX time, but may be 0 to disable activation time);
l “schedule_after” to set the activation time to the current time plus the number of
hours in the schedule_after field;
l “plus
”, where
is a time measurement, to extend the activation time by
The time measurement is normally hours, but may have a “ywdhms” suffix to
indicate years, weeks, days, hours, minutes, or seconds, respectively.
Alternatively, this operation may be written equivalently as ‘+X’, pX’, plusX’,
add X’, ‘addX’, or ‘aX’. Example: to delay activation time by 2 days, use the
value +2d.
l “minus
”, where
is a time measurement, to reduce the activation time by
See above for details about specifying a time measurement. Alternatively, this
operation may be written equivalently as ‘-X’, mX’, ‘minusX’, ‘sub X’, ‘subX’, or
sX’. Example: to bring forward activation time by 12 hours, use the value -12h.
l A time measurement
”, to set the activation time to the current time plus
l A time and date specification, to set the activation time to that time and date.
Many different formats are specified; for clarity it is recommended that a
standard format such as ISO-8601 is used (“YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss” format).
l Any other value to leave schedule_time unmodified.
This field controls account creation and modification behavior; it is not stored with
created or modified visitor accounts.
Integer. Initial sequence number. This field is used when creating guest accounts
and the random_username_method field is set to “nwa_sequence”. If this field is
not set, the next available sequence number for the given multi_prefix is used.
Sequence numbering will start with 0 if no initial sequence number has been set.
String. The prefix of each username generated when creating guest accounts and
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.3 | User Guide Reference | 513