Deployment Guide

530 | Reference Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.3 | User Guide
l badPwdCount: The badPwdCount property specifies the number of times the user tried to log on to the account
using an incorrect password.
l codePage: The codePage property specifies the code page for the user's language of choice. This value is not used
by Windows 2000.
l countryCode: The countryCode property specifies the country code for the user's language of choice. This value is
not used by Windows 2000.
l lastLogoff: The lastLogoff property specifies when the last logoff occurred.
l lastLogon: The lastLogon property specifies when the last logon occurred.
l logonCount: The logonCount property counts the number of successful times the user tried to log on to this
l mail: The mail property is a single-valued property that contains the SMTP address for the user (such as
l memberOf: The memberOf property is a multi-valued property that contains groups of which the user is a direct
l primaryGroupID: The primaryGroupID property is a single-valued property containing the relative identifier (RID)
for the primary group of the user.
l sAMAccountType: The sAMAccountType property specifies an integer that represents the account type.
l unicodePwd: The unicodePwd property is the password for the user.
Regular Expressions
The characters shown in Table 111 can be used to perform pattern matching tasks using regular expressions.
Regex Matches
a Any string containing the letter “a”
^a Any string starting with “a”
^a$ Only the string “a
a$ Any string ending with “a
. Any single character
\. A literal “.”
[abc] Any of the characters a, b, or c
[a-z0-9A-Z] Any alphanumeric character
[^a-z] Any character not in the set a through z
a? Matches zero or one “a
a+ Matches one or more: a, aa, aaa,
Table 111:
Regular Expressions for Pattern Matching