Deployment Guide

Operator Meaning Additional Information
= is equal to
You may search for multiple values when using the
equality (=) or inequality !=) operators. To specify
multiple values, list them separated by the pipe
character ( | ).
For example, specifying the filter "role_id=2|3, custom_
field=Value" restricts the accounts displayed to those
with role IDs 2 and 3 (Guest and Employee), and with
the field named "custom_field" set to "Value".
!= is not equal to
> is greater than
>= is greater than or equal to
< is less than
<= is less than or equal to
~ matches the regular expression
does not match the regular
Table 13:
Operators supported in filters
To restore the default view, click the Clear Filter link.
Click the Apply Filter button to save your changes and update the view, or click the Reset button to remove the
filter and return to the default view.
Disconnecting Multiple Active Sessions
To disconnect multiple sessions, click the Manage Multiple tab. The Manage Multiple Sessions form opens.
l To close all active sessions, leave the Start Time and End Time fields empty and click Make Changes. All active
sessions are closed and are removed from the Active Sessions list.
You can specify sessions in a time range.
1. To close all sessions that started after a particular time, click the button in the Start Time row. The calendar picker
opens. Use the calendar to specify the year, month, and day, and click the numbers in the Time fields to increment
the hours and minutes. All sessions that started after the specified date and time will be disconnected.
2. To close all sessions that started before a particular time, click the button in the End Time row. The calendar picker
opens. Use the calendar to specify the year, month, and day, and click the numbers in the Time fields to increment
the hours and minutes. All sessions that started before the specified date and time will be disconnected.
3. Click Make Changes. The specified sessions are closed and are removed from the Active Sessions list.
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.3 | User Guide W-ClearPass Guest Manager | 73